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Energy Healing

My Story

              My spiritual journey began as a child when I was about 9 years old. I knew I had a unique ability and connection to the spiritual realm. However, it was not fully embraced until adulthood.

                In 1996, while living in San Diego, I was involved in a car accident experiencing a near death experience (NDE) that left me with a very painful, inoperable back injury. Part of my physical therapy involved getting massages. I loved it so much and was looking for another job to do while in graduate school. I thought it would be so much fun to be a Massage Therapist and soon enrolled in Vitality Training Center in Solana Beach, CA. Part of my training involved learning meditation and getting a Reiki attunement (energy healing). Suddenly it opened me up in body, mind, and soul. All those years of blockage melted away, and I could see the world and through my third eye intensely. I began practicing meditation and healing myself from childhood trauma by doing reiki treatments on myself. 

                  In 1997, I became a Massage Therapist  and Holistic Health Practitioner ( HHP) and started my own practice as well as facilitation in a few spas and chiropractic offices for about 8 years. My specialties were craniosacral therapy, sports massage and reflexology. I continued my training in Reiki therapy and became a Reiki II practitioner. In 1998, I found a group of healers in Oceanside, CA, who were giving treatments to the military. Their Reiki lineage came from Hawaii (Usui-Hayashi-Takata Lineage) and they offered to train and attune me to a Reiki Master. That same year I was inspired to go to Hana, Maui, where I had another life-changing spiritual experience.                          

                   At this point, I was filled with a desire to move to Hawaii, and this manifested in 2002. While on Oahu, I learned Lomi Lomi I and II Massage at Hawaii Healing Arts College in Kailua, HI; obtained CIMI (Certified Infant Massage Instructor); and learned plant medicine. In 2017, after an incredible out-of-body experience, I went on a spiritual journey to Machu Picchu, Peru  and trained with a local Shaman enhancing my shamanic healing abilities. This motivated me to continue my healing practices and open Karuna Holistic Therapies. The focus was to heal the whole person seeking help in body, mind and spirit, offering a variety of treatments.​       

                Today, Karuna Holistic Therapies LLC have evolved and includes light therapy, Reiki therapy, meditation, sound healing, yoga, grief recovery, NDE support, nutritional guidance, and channeling sessions. 

My Approach

Karuna Holistic Therapies LLC employs a wide variety of wellness techniques to help patients achieve “full body” health goals, specifically honing in on the mind-body connection.

The Meaning of Karuna

        Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as "compassionate action." When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one. Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit.

          Because of the oneness of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others out of love, but also because it is an entirely logical thing to do. In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal. It is also stated in the Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by parjna or wisdom in order to have the right effect.

         Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. We continually send an unlimited amount of healing energy and guidance to others.  


Karuna Holistic Therapies LLC follows this approach and our techniques can help to open you to be more closely aligned in mind, body and spirit.

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